Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Your Vote is Important!

Democracy can only happen when people show up! Town meeting is democracy in it's purest form - anyone can speak up, one person, one vote. Last night's special town meeting in Maynard was democracy at it's best - so great to see people come out to participate in our town government!

The purpose of the meeting was to vote on building a new high school for Maynard - a major issue for the town. Because the decision makers at the State level still hasn't decided which plan it will approve for funding, participants were asked to vote only to adjorn the meeting and hold another on February 9 at which time we town officials will present an actual plan and we will vote.

The town meeting form of government is in jepardy. Many towns in Massachusetts, including Maynard, have lowered their quorum minimum in order to conduct business; some towns are working to eliminate town meeting all together due to lack of participation. Wouldn't it be great if people came out to participate and vote on all the issues and not just the ones that effect them directly? What about elections in general - fewer and fewer people come out to vote...

The system isn't perfect but it's the best we have and it's up to us to make it work. I encourage everyone to attend their town meetings; and by all means, vote in the upcoming Massachusetts senate election on January 19. Decisions are made by those who show up - show up and be counted! And if you live in Maynard, don't forget town meeting on February 9th.

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